Thrifting = Saving $$$ = Recyling = Better for the Earth
Yard Sale One Persons Junk is Another Persons Treasure I never sought out to write a Blog on “Thrifting”, but there have been times in previous posts, where the topic should have come up — but I...
View ArticleRefreshing Grapefruit/Orange Green Smoothie
Grapefruit/Orange Green Smoothie I woke up this morning after a couple of weeks of almost a non-stop, on-going ride of entertaining and socializing with friends and family, and decided I needed to...
View ArticleCantaloupe Mango Green Smoothie
I had a cantaloupe that I just kept dropping and it would continually roll off the counter. It looked so beat up and bruised (disgusting really) — like a prize fighter who got his face bashed in and...
View ArticleChocolate Power Smoothie
My Version of Ani Phyo’s Chocolate Power Smoothie Saturday mornings are not about sleeping in for me. It’s about rising early in order to get to my 8:30 a.m. Zumba class!!!! I usually wake up a...
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