Channel: Rejuvenation and Wellness (RAW) » Vitamix
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Cantaloupe Mango Green Smoothie


I had a cantaloupe that I just kept dropping and it would continually roll off the counter. It looked so beat up and bruised (disgusting really) — like a prize fighter who got his face bashed in and was all black and blue.    I was  afraid to cut into it not knowing what to expect and really wanted to just throw this one away, but something stopped me.  I figured if the outside looks this bad — I can only imagine what the inside looks like!  Quite to my surprise — the inside was absolutely perfect and beautiful.  I know there is a morale to this story . . . “never judge a book by it’s cover”; “beauty is skin deep”; “you can not judge inner beauty by what’s going on on the outside” – – “etc., etc. etc.”

Cantaloupe Mango Green Smoothie Cantaloupe Mange Green Smoothie

I had just came back from working out and felt as if I needed something cool and refreshing and something to help me recover from the workout I just had.  So being that I now had a cut-up cantaloupe, I threw a bunch of ingredients into my Vitamix and whirred it up!  I tend to call these smoothies My Kitchen Sink  Smoothies because whatever I have on hand, I tend to throw in.  Plus, I listen to what my body is craving as well, which sort of adds to the mix.

Cantaloupe Mango Green Smoothie 

1/2 Cantaloupe cut into pieces

1 cup (or more) frozen mango

1 banana

1 tsp. Chia Seed

1 tsp. Flax Seed

2 tsp. Hemp Seed

2 tablespoons Coconut Flakes

1 pinch of Bee Pollen Granules

1 tsp. Spirulina

1 tsp. Lecuma Powder

2 handfuls Kale

Process everything together in the blender and serve.  Feel free to add more ice if the frozen Mango does not make it cold enough for you.  Also, this did not come out as sweet as I thought it would, but I really liked the “green flavor” of it.  However, feel free to add more sweetness to it if you feel you need it.  Honey, dates, agave, maple syrup, stevia — whatever your sweetness of choice is.  Next time I make this, I will probably add a little more ice and a little more sweetener!

Note:   If you do not have any or most of these “super foods” that I added in — don’t you worry ’bout a thing!  It’s all good!  You do not need to include them.  As I said, I call these my “Kitchen Sink Smoothies” and I just start adding everything in site!!!  You do not have to!

So get creative and daring.  Just throw things in the blender and see how it comes out.  In the end — it all will turn out just fine (another life lesson here!!).  And whatever you do —



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